Zynga Taking Bids for Real Money Gaming Platform
According to EGR, Zynga has now begun accepting bids from platform providers for a real money gaming solution. The usual suspects (GTECH G2 and Playtech) have reportedly already submitted bids. This is a…

The WCOFF Sounds An Awful Lot Like Full Tilt
ESPN’s Outside the Lines recently did a feature on the now defunct World Championship of Fantasy Football (WCOFF). The WCOFF was the largest fantasy league in the world. The winners of their Main Event…

AnonymousX: Thoughts on Potential Full Tilt Deal and Legislation
Well, it looks like Full Tilt Poker may actually be saved by Groupe Bernard Tapie. I don’t know if “surprised” is the word I’d use about this news so much as “pleasantly optimistic.” I guess I always felt that the software and database had a certain amount of value. I just never had any idea of how much. Now I know.

Circuit Secrets: AnonymousX
Editor’s Note: AnonymousX is an on-going Wicked Chops Insider feature. The column will provide insight on poker life from a real pro making a living playing the circuit and traveling the world. This column…