Now, Why Didn’t Full Tilt Poker Take the PokerStars Deal in Summer 2011?
With most of the legal jeopardy and fallout from the Department of Justice indictments waning, there has been an uptick of information coming out regarding the goat rodeo that was Full Tilt Poker operations post-Black Friday….

Jeffrey Pollack Isn’t Dead in Poker?
(alternate headline: It’s Time to Short William Hill Stock) After Federated Sports+Gaming crashed and burned more spectacularly than any company in poker history, many wondered if Jeffrey Pollack, Annie Duke, and others would…

Zynga Taking Bids for Real Money Gaming Platform
According to EGR, Zynga has now begun accepting bids from platform providers for a real money gaming solution. The usual suspects (GTECH G2 and Playtech) have reportedly already submitted bids. This is a…

BREAKING: Poker After Dark to Return March 5
The popular Poker After Dark is set to return with previously unaired episodes on the NBC Sports Network starting March 5th. PAD was produced by Poker PROductions and underwritten by Full Tilt Poker. It frequently…

Updated Online Poker Legalization Barometer for 2012
In late November we rolled out our first Online Poker Legislative Barometer. As a refresher, the Barometer is our weighing of industry executive, lobbyist, and media for their take on the likihood that the…